Check the Beat

Although these seem pretty basic, younger students have a hard time keeping track of both the number of beats and the number of different drums at the same time.  They can do just the beats, or the drums as a separate exercise, or the number of drums on the repeat (all are given twice).  They can also use their fingers (Tip 1 below).  What?  Yes, fingers are manipulatives that can help work toward automaticity, and in this case students are counting something that is ephemeral, so the extra help may be needed.  Also, this is a good memory technique in general.  Making an association between an object (finger) and an idea to remember can be very useful (NTFTWT).*  This is a good chance to teach “chunking” as well because some of the beats are in groups.  They will see that a group of three and a group of two add up to five, connecting with their math skills. 

The link to Round 2 is below. 

Link to Check the Beat- Round 2

Blank Answer Sheet for Check the Beat:

Check Beat- Blank

Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together-  See the Hebb principle

© Philip Hammett, MTL 2020